What is smudging? A simple art of cleansing yourself and your environment, using simple ritual. Smudging is a Native American tradition but have been practiced ALL over the world! Our bodies, homes and objects around us are not just physical matter. They are delicately complex invisible energy. Cleansing our space or bodies by smudging clears up all the emotional crap and negative energies that gathered up.
You simply burn a sage bundle (smudge stick) or herbs in abalone shell (pictured below) or some sort of burn proof container. Light your smudge stick with matches or a lighter. Holding it up to the flame for a few seconds but gently blowing out the flame. You just want smoke. Anytime Im smudging my home or object. I walk around holding the sage bundle, letting the smoke gather all around. Or around that object.
Smudging calls on spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and put you back into a state of peace and balance. Sounds crazy? Scientifically burning sage and other herbs release negative ions that research linked to positive moods. The smell of Sage increases oxygen supply to the brain. Making muscle tension relaxed. The smoke from burning herbs changes the molecules of air and energy. The sense of smell is powerful. Burning sage along with other herbs have been found to be very effective aromatherapy.
Smudging can be done daily to ease your mind and help with meditation like I do. Or when your feeling down, anxious, fearful or just want a pick me up. Light up some sage! Smudge your new home or environment to clean it up. Bought something new? Smudge it to get rid of any possible negative energies. I salt water cleanse my crystals as well as smudging them too.
“when in doubt, smudge it out”
Just wanted to share with you all a little on smudging. Use your sources to look deeper into it.
Kimberly Alston
02/02/2017 at 7:35 pmThanks Justine this was very informative and helpful 😍😘
03/07/2017 at 2:03 pmYour welcome boo!
04/03/2017 at 12:35 amDope!